Use of co-cultures to improve Clostridium acetobutylicum fermentation



Scientific disciplines

Biosciences and Biotechnologies

Research direction

Catalysis, Biocatalysis and Separation

Affiliate site


Through various research programs, IFP Energies nouvelles is strongly involved in the development of bioprocesses to produce biofuels and bio-based chemical intermediates. In particular, the Biotechnology department focuses on biological pathways trough the use of micro-organisms, such as Clostridium acetobutylicum.
The association of several micro-organisms in synthetic co-cultures is a promising solution to lift the performances of such processes. For instance, better yields could be achieved when producing a chemical of interest from complex substrates, both by limiting the production of undesired co-products and by increasing the ability of said culture to completely use an industrial substrate. This approach can be further coupled to genetic engineering strategies that have already been successful in the past for the optimization of industrial micro-organisms.
To improve bioprocesses aiming at the conversion of renewable biomass into metabolites of interest, this PhD program will focus on determining the potential of co-cultures involving C. acetobutylicum. In particular, the doctoral student will characterize microorganisms, alone or in co-cultures, and will use state-of-the-art genetic tools to optimize the association of said micro-organisms. The successful candidate must have an engineer and / or research master's level with a specialization in biotechnology and microbiology.

Keywords: Clostridium acetobutylicum, Fermentation, CRISPR-Cas9, co-culture

Academic supervisor    BEN CHAABANE Fadhel, PhD, Biotechnology Department, IFPEN.
Doctoral School    ED 435 ABIES (Agriculture Alimentation BIologie Environnement Santé)
IFPEN supervisor    WASELS François, PhD. Research Engineer, Biotechnology Department, IFPEN.
PhD location    IFPEN, Biotechnology Department, 92500, Rueil-Malmaison, France 
Duration and start date    3 years, starting in fourth quarter 2023
Employer    IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison, France 
Academic requirements    University Master’s degree in Biotechnology/Microbiology/Molecular Biology or equivalent
Language requirements    Fluency in French or English, willingness to learn French

Encadrant IFPEN :
Dr. WASELS François
PhD student of the thesis:
PhD Student in microbiology and fermentation
Promotion 2023-2026