

Doctorant en modélisation moléculaire

In 2022, I embarked on a promising PhD project focused on proton exchange membranes (PEMs). PEMs are a critical component of fuel cells, which are key technologies for the energy transition that I am passionate about supporting. My research takes a methodological approach to creating a molecular model capable of describing the behavior and performance of these complex membranes.

Leveraging the chemical proximity of perfluorinated membranes to certain surfactants, I began my work with a study on PFAS. PFAS are currently at the heart of major environmental concerns due to their pollution of soil and surface water. This opportunistic investigation is expected to result in the publication of two scientific papers.

Today, I am fully invested in the most fascinating aspect of my thesis: polymer modeling. This complex and exciting field allows me to use my skills and enthusiasm to make a real contribution.

In addition to my research activities, I am actively involved in the life of IFPEN as president of the doctoral association. This responsibility allows me to contribute to the development of the doctoral community and to build valuable relationships with my peers.

Promotion 2022-2025
