Scénarios d’électrification des procédés pour décarboner l’industrie manufacturière française: enjeux technologiques et dynamique multisectorielle



Scientific disciplines

Economics and HSS

Research direction

IFP School

Affiliate site


In France and Europe, deep decarbonization scenarios aiming to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 rely heavily on direct electrical technologies for thermal and thermodynamic uses of industrial processes. Manufacturing accounts for a quarter of France’s CO2 emissions. There is large number of uncertainties about this transition. Electrical or hydrogen technologies will require support for their development.
In this context, the thesis will seek to better understand the potential for electrification of industrial processes, identify the key parameters for achieving decarbonization trajectories and ultimately assess the resulting multisectoral dynamics.
Firstly, the research will focus on the potential for electrification in industry and will assess the economic impact of technological alternatives that can be implemented in each sector studied, as well as the impact of greenhouse gases. This analysis will be based on a typology of energy consumption by sector and on technical and economic analyses.
A multisectoral model will be built in the second part of the thesis to assess the multi-sectoral dynamics of decarbonization policies as well as the overall evolution of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. This modelling will make it possible to evaluate the interactions between the different sectors of the economy according to the different scenarios envisaged for each of them. This will make it possible to assess the coherence of the scenarios with a macroeconomic close-up and consideration of the resource limit (biomass, carbon capture and CCS sequestration, hydrogen) during sensitivity analyses.
This thesis is supported by EDF (CIFRE).

Keywords : Energie, économie, modélisation

Encadrant IFPEN :
Dr Frédéric LANTZ
PhD student of the thesis:
Promotion 2021-2024