Optimising the decarbonization of the transport sector in a given region while minimising the environmental impact of the various alternative liquid fuels



Scientific disciplines

Economics and HSS

Research direction

Economics & Technology Intelligence

Affiliate site


Over the last years, the energy transition has been related with a diversification of technical options, particularly for the mobility of people and the transport of goods. While this transition is essentially driven today by the greenhouse gas emissions reduction, this parameter alone cannot account for all the environmental impacts related to these energy paths. A more systemic approach is required to ensure informed decision-making. This is particularly the case for liquid alternative fuels, whose role is well established, and expectations are high, particularly in sectors such as aeronautics and shipping. However, the environmental impacts of these fuels vary in nature and intensity, and are particularly relevant on a small geographical scale, such as the reduction of local pollution, the potential for water shortages or eutrophication. But the lack of data or evaluation methods induces that these impacts are rarely quantified, and therefore difficult for decision-makers to take into account when establishing regulatory strategies.
This work aims to study current and future alternative liquid fuels by optimising their environmental performances on a regional scale, beyond CO2 emissions. The approach should therefore lead to the identification and quantification of the key impacts for the targeted energy paths, using in particular the results of modelling or data available in the literature on life cycle analysis. This should then develop multi-objective optimisation methods for these impacts or, at least, allow them to be aggregated in a discriminating manner, on the basis on models co-developed by IFPEN and INRAE. Finally, the approach aims to assess the overall benefits and limitations of coupling optimisation and life cycle analysis models according to the criteria identified and developed in the thesis.

Keywords: life cycle analysis, modelling, multi-objective optimisation, regionalisation.

  • Academic supervisor    Prof. Benoît GABRIELLE, ECOSYS, AgroParisTech & Ecole Centrale de Paris, Paris-Saclay University. ORCID : 0000-0002-9131-2549
  • Doctoral School    ED581 ABIES Agriculture, Alimentation, Biologie, Environnement et Santé, https://abies.agroparistech.fr/, Paris-Saclay University
  • IFPEN supervisor    Dr Valérie SAINT-ANTONIN
  • PhD location    IFP Énergies nouvelles, Rueil-Malmaison, France
  • Duration and start date    3 years, starting in fourth quarter 2024
  • Employer    IFPEN
  • Academic requirements    MSc degree in Economics, Mathematics, Earth Sciences
  • Language requirements    Fluency in English, French or willingness to learn French
  • Other requirements    Knowledge in Life Cycle Analysis, Modelling applied to Energy and the Environment, System Optimisation

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