Optimisation topologique multiphysiques d’architectures 3D à base de SiC pour absorbeurs solaires



Scientific disciplines

Materials Science and Engineering

Research direction

Applied Physico-chemistry and Mechanics

Affiliate site


The development of new technologies in the field of energy requires the implementation of high-capacity heat exchangers. More specifically, IFPEN is now involved in research and innovation related to the desire to decarbonize industrial processes. This thesis is part of the ANR ORCHESTRA national project whose ambition is to design, elaborate and rationally evaluate long-lived porous silicon carbide (SiC)-based architectures with disruptive 3D geometries, applied as volumetric high-temperature solar receivers (VSRs) on top of a solar tower plant. This implies being able to (i) provide an airflow at 1000°C with a solar-heat conversion efficiency of 90% when the ceramics are exposed to an intense incident solar flux and (ii) to withstand a high temperature gradient (~250°C/cm) for severe transient thermal loads during daily start-ups and shutdowns (10,000 cycles).
The objective of this thesis is part of the implementation of sizing tools for new materials to optimize the various physical processes involved in this technology. These are so-called "structured" materials with a specific microstructure most often intended to take up the mechanical forces in an optimal way by playing on the local arrangement of the solid part of the material. Here the challenge will be, on the one hand, to take up this concept by extending it to a multiphysical situation involving fluid flows and exchanges of radiative transfers, and on the other hand, to set up a topological optimization approach. From a methodological point of view, the couplings between each physics will be carried out by a scale transition method involving a discrete periodic cell, towards a continuous poro-thermo-mechanical model at the macroscopic scale, and also taking into account the solar radiative aspects at high temperatures. This so-called “composite” method can be inserted into a topological optimization approach using this concept of equivalent material.

Keywords: Architectured materials, multiphysics couplings, porous material flows, radiative transfers, topological optimization, heat transfers, mechanical resistance.

Academic supervisor    Professor, FAVENNEC Yann , Laboratoire de Thermique et Energie de Nantes (LTeN) , ORCID  0000-0001-8806-3353
Doctoral School    SPI : sciences pour l'ingénieur de Nantes Université https://www.ec-nantes.fr/version-francaise/formation/lecole-doctorale-spi
IFPEN supervisor     Dr., CANGEMI Laurent, Scientific Assistant Director of the Applied Physico-Chemical and Mechanical division, laurent.cangemi@ifpen.fr, ORCID 0000-0002-8400-0651
PhD location    LTeN, Nantes, France (mostly) and IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison, France  
Duration and start date    3 years, starting in fourth quarter 2023
Employer    IFP Énergies nouvelles, Rueil-Malmaison, France
Academic requirements    University Master degree in Applied Mathematics 
Language requirements    Fluency in French or English, willingness to learn French 
Other requirements     Very good computer knowledge, knowledge of solid mechanics, fluid mechanics and thermal....

Encadrant IFPEN :
Dr., CANGEMI Laurent ,
PhD student of the thesis:
Promotion 2023-2026