Optimisation de l’infrastructure hydrogène pour la décarbonation d’un territoire



Scientific disciplines

Economics and HSS

Research direction

Economics & Technology Intelligence

Affiliate site


For several years now, plans to deploy hydrogen to decarbonize the economy have been multiplying around the world. In its Net Zero by 2050 scenario, the IEA estimates an increase in hydrogen demand from 70Mt in 2020, 96% of which comes from fossil sources, to 530Mt in 2050, 75% of which will be produced outside of industrial sites, and will therefore have to be transported. These figures allow us to understand the double challenge of low-carbon production of hydrogen and the deployment of a delivery infrastructure.
This infrastructure is still largely non-existent, and its deployment will depend largely on local initiatives at the territorial level (regions, departments, cities). It is therefore essential to optimize the hydrogen infrastructure of the territories, with an integrated approach covering the issues of production, storage, transport and distribution, as well as uses and demand. The literature proposes many case studies, but they are very often at the country level, and do not consider the whole hydrogen value chain or all technologies. 
The objective of this thesis will be to propose an optimization of the whole hydrogen supply chain at the scale of a French territory, thanks to a coupling between a local energy system model and a hydrogen infrastructure design model. Three challenges will be addressed in this thesis:
-    Development of a hydrogen infrastructure optimization tool, based on Integer Linear Optimization
-    Development of an energy system model at the scale of a territory
-    Realization of a coupling between these two tools
This thesis will be carried out within the Economics and Watch Department of IFPEN in Rueil-Malmaison, under the supervision of the Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées (CMA) of MINES Paris.

Keywords : Hydrogène, Optimisation numérique, Economie, Environnement 

Encadrant IFPEN :
Dr Louis-Marie MALBEC
PhD student of the thesis:
PhD student in hydrogen supply chain optimization and industrial ecology
Promotion 2022-2025