Scientific disciplines
Research direction
Earth Sciences and Environmental Technologies
Affiliate site
Climate change highlights the importance of sustainable groundwater management for water supply, while the intensification of climatic extremes increases the pressure on these vital resources. The Miocene aquifer of the Comtat Venaissin (Carpentras-Valréas basins) is a strategic regional resource, used intensively for agriculture and drinking water. However, its complex structure and functioning remain poorly understood, making sustainable management difficult. As part of the GeEAUde partnership chair, and in direct collaboration with the Vaucluse (84) Department of Territorial Development and the Environment, the Southern Region and the Syndicats d'Eau Rhône Ventoux (SRV) and Rhône Aigues Ouvèze (RAO), two doctoral theses will start in autumn 2025 to improve our understanding of this strategic regional aquifer. This thesis, financed by IFP Energies nouvelles, will characterize and model its geological structure and hydrogeological functioning.
Objectives and methodological approach
The Miocene aquifer of Comtat Venaissin, composed of ancient waters associated with slow recharge, presents a poorly understood geological architecture made up of a heterogeneous stratigraphic pile, interrupted by multiple erosive surfaces and structured by several tectonic phases. It is therefore crucial to finely characterize the structure of the Miocene aquifer in the Comtat Venaissin by integrating all available geological and hydrogeological data, in order to create a robust geological model of this aquifer, essential for studying evolution scenarios and guiding the development of appropriate action plans for sustainable management.
The aim of this thesis is to understand the structure and hydrodynamic functioning of the aquifer, by characterizing its architecture (basin structure and sedimentary fill) through the study of outcrops and borehole data. The originality of the approach is to couple a model based on sedimentary processes and a stochastic model to integrate heterogeneous data at different scales (basin-reservoir-sample) and build a numerical geological model, which will be calibrated and validated by integrating existing hydrogeological data in this basin. This approach integrating geology, reservoir modeling and hydrogeology will provide a constrained model of the Miocene aquifer, which is currently lacking.
The scientific and technical skills of the candidate for this thesis include structural and sedimentary geology, with knowledge of hydrogeology, an appetite for fieldwork and numerical modeling.
Keywords: Deep sedimentary aquifer, geological characterization, compartmentalization, process modeling, reservoir modeling
- Academic supervisor Prof. Rémi VALOIS, ORCID - 0000-0002-6447-7057
- Doctoral School 536- Agrosciences & Sciences, Université d’Avignon
- IFPEN supervisor Dr. Rémy DESCHAMPS, ORCID - 0000-0002-0888-3456
- PhD location IFPEN, Rueil Malmaison, France
- Duration and start date 3 years, starting in the fourth quarter 2025 (Novembre 3)
- Employer IFPEN
- Academic requirements University Master degree in geosciences
- Language requirements English level B2 (CEFR)
To apply, please send your cover letter and CV to the IFPEN supervisor indicated here below.