Caractérisation et origine des gaz associés aux fluides hydrothermaux du triangle des Afars (région de Djibouti)



Scientific disciplines

Earth and Environmental Science

Research direction

IFP School

Affiliate site


IFPEN proposes a PdD position concerning the characterization and origin of gases associated with the hydrothermal fluids of the Afar triangle (Djibouti region) with a particular focus on gases that will be of particular interest for the energy transition: hydrogen (H2) and helium. The thesis work will consist of sampling missions in the field and on drilling sites, analysis of free and dissolved gases in water (composition and isotopy of major and noble gases), interpretation of the geochemical results in terms of origin, migration and inter-reaction processes of the different geothermal fluids and reaction transport modeling.

Mots-clés : Géothermie, fluides, hydrogène, hélium

Encadrant IFPEN :
Dr Eric Deville
PhD student of the thesis:
Promotion 2022-2025