

I have always been passionate about discovering how things work. All kinds of things. Nature, technology, humans, ...

My Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering was thus the first natural step towards understanding the world, as it included classes in physics, technology and even psychology. I was more than content with this mix, but the spark was missing.

I only caught fire during my bachelor's thesis, where I discovered coding for me. Implementing a physical simulation for the first time opened an entire new world. No longer was I restricted to studying the world from the outside, but now I could set up my own virtual world to study all kinds of phenomena.

My subsequent master's in Computational Engineering deepened my passion for software development and engineering. With my newly acquired knowledge of high-performance computing, I could not only simulate physical systems properly but also efficiently ! 
My ongoing PhD thesis about modelling wind turbines in the atmospheric boundary layer complements my previous studies. Here, I can play all my strengths in physics, software development and high-performance computing.

My work is always driven by my natural curiosity, ability to quickly learn new skills, rigour and adaptability to new environments and situations.
I can't wait to see which challenges and opportunities the future brings.

Promotion 2022-2025


Helen Schottenhamml et al 2022 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2265 022027. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2265/2/022027

Schottenhamml H, Anciaux Sedrakian A, Blondel F, Köstler H, Rüde U. waLBerla-wind: A lattice-Boltzmann-based high-performance flow solver for wind energy applications. Concurrency Computat Pract Exper. 2024; 36(16):e8117. doi: 10.1002/cpe.8117
