Impact of manufacturing on electrical steel sheets – Application to optimization of traction machines



Scientific disciplines

Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering

Research direction

Mobility and Systems

Affiliate site


Following the rapid emergence of electric vehicles on the automotive market, manufacturers are seeking to regularly improve the performance of their products in order to stand out from the competition. The sizing phase of the electric machine is therefore important, and designers often use multi-objective optimization methods coupled with multi-physical models that describe the performance of the machine with great precision. These models are based on the geometrical parameters of the design to be simulated and on the physical characteristics of the materials given by the suppliers. However, the characteristics of these materials used are very sensitive to their manufacturing process (prototype, small or large series). 
These results were found a significant difference between performances evaluated in simulation, tested on prototypes and obtained in mass production. This difference can be problematic when it comes to sizing and to best meet the designer requirements.
The objective given to the PhD student is to set-up new electromagnetic models that take into account the impact of the forming process on the magnetic performance (B-H, losses) of magnetic laminations. To this end, the PhD student will perform the experimental magnetic characterization of magnetic laminations and, in parallel, he/she will employ a mechanical performance model to evaluate the local mechanical stresses related to the process. These results will be used to trace the local magnetic properties which will enable a global magnetic model of the electrical steel. Finally, this model will be compared to the experimental characterizations of the lamination.

Keywords: Magnetic material, mechanical Constraint, Finite Elements, 

  • Academic supervisors    Professor MAZALEYRAT Frédéric, SATIE - ENS Paris Saclay / Professor HUBERT Olivier, LMPS - ENS Paris Saclay
  • Doctoral School    Electrical, Optical, Bio-Physics and Engineering (EOBE), ED 575,
  • IFPEN supervisor    Dr GILSON Adrien, IFPEN
  • PhD location    IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison, France – ENS Paris Saclay Gif sur Yvette, FranceIFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison, France
  • Duration and start date    3 years, starting in fourth quarter 2023
  • Employer    IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison, France
  • Academic requirements    MSc in electrical engineering or mechanical engineering
  • Language requirements    Fluency in French or English, willingness to learn French
Encadrant IFPEN :
Dr GILSON Adrien
PhD student of the thesis:
Doctorante en Science des matériaux
Promotion 2023-2026