Effect of Zero-carbon combustion on lubricant aging and its impact on emissions



Scientific disciplines

Chemical Sciences

Research direction

Mobility and Systems

Affiliate site


The general context of transport is undergoing profound change, in particular through stricter considerations of the impact of its emissions on the environment and the air quality in real use. The use of innovative carbon-free fuels, such as hydrogen (H2) and ammonia (NH3), is a way to limit emissions at the source. However, the combustion characteristics of these fuels exhibit unusual combustion properties compared to hydrocarbons. These combustion systems impact the properties of the lubricant with potentially greater thermal stress and increased dilution of oxidizing components.
In this context, the PhD is expected to increase our understanding of lubricant aging and its impact on particulate emissions during "Zero Carbon" combustion under real use engine conditions. 
An experimental approach will be developed to investigate the characteristics of the degradation of the physico-chemical properties of the lubricant in relation to the formation of particles in hydrogen and/or ammonia powered engines. A better understanding of this degradation mechanisms will be the basis to optimize the oil/combustion system match in order to reduce the emissions.
For this, the doctoral student will have to set up various techniques and experimental devices ranging from analyzes of physico-chemical properties, mass spectrometry and IR in oil samples aging reactors, to the characterization of solid and gaseous emissions from engine test. Finally, a phenomenological model will also be developed to describe the degradation of the lubricant in these innovative combustion systems. 
The originality of the subject will allow the selected candidate to interact with experts from different fields.

Keywords: Lubrication, pollutant emissions, combustion, hydrogen, ammonia.

Academic supervisor    Prof, ROUSSELLE Christine, PRISME, Université d’Orleans
Doctoral School    ED 552 EMSTU, https://collegedoctoral-cvl.fr/as/ed/CDCVL/index.pl#
IFPEN supervisor    Dr. GIARRACCA Lucia, Research engineer, Combustion Systems and Fuels Department
PhD location    IFP Energies nouvelles, Rueil-Malmaison, France
Duration and start date    3 years, starting in fourth quarter 2022
Employer    IFP Energies nouvelles, Rueil-Malmaison, France
Academic requirements    Master’s degree in Chemical Physical sciences or Chemical Engineering 
Language requirements    Fluency in English, and in French or willingness to learn French
Other requirements    Knowledge of the field of combustion and a strong taste for experiments, ....

Encadrant IFPEN :
PhD student of the thesis:
Promotion 2022-2025