Doctoral theses

IFPEN’s new doctoral thesis subjects for fall 2024 are out! 
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206 Subject(s) of these

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Published on 2024-01-04

Study of dynamic interfacial properties with a microfluidics tensiometer: Experimental and multi-scale approach

Emulsions are systems present in many industrial processes and products. Their stability depends on the density difference between the dispersed and continuous phases and on their rheology (creaming or sedimentation), on the interactions between the drops (coalescence) and on their polydispersity (Oswald ripening).

Physical Sciences and Physico-chemistry Applied Physico-chemistry and Mechanics Rueil-Malmaison
Published on 2024-01-04

Gaussian processes modeling for floating offshore wind turbine fatigue in wind farm context based on input/output dimension reduction

To support the development of electricity production from wind power, IFP Energies nouvelles is involved in the energy transition as a research and training player, especially in emerging technologies such as floating offshore wind turbines (FOWT). 

Mechanical Engineering Applied Physico-chemistry and Mechanics Rueil-Malmaison
Published on 2024-01-04

Mesoscopic modeling of ion exchange membranes for energy conversion applications

The proposed PhD is taking place in the general context of the development of hydrogen-powered electric vehicles and more specifically aims to improve the tools for modelling and characterizing polymer membranes used in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC).

Materials Science and Engineering Applied Physico-chemistry and Mechanics Rueil-Malmaison
Published on 2024-01-04

Modeling phase equilibria for polymer recycling processes

Recycling plastic materials is essential for reducing the amount of waste, but currently used mechanical recycling processes have very important limitations (sorting control, color). Chemical recycling will allow a more complete material recovery and this PhD thesis aims at contributing to its development.

Physical Sciences and Physico-chemistry Applied Physico-chemistry and Mechanics Rueil-Malmaison
Published on 2024-01-04

Understanding and modeling of tundra gases escape mechanisms from the ground to the atmosphere and their consequences during global warming

Understanding and modeling trace gas emissions from tundra soils to the atmosphere is critical to predict surface-atmosphere feedbacks on current and future global warming. Tundra soils are underlain by permafrost, a thermal condition of the ground which remains at or below 0 °C for two or more years throughout the high latitudes.

Earth and Environmental Science Earth Sciences and Environmental Technologies Rueil-Malmaison
Published on 2024-01-04

Impact of sulfur and carbon interactions in marine sediments on biogenic and geothermal methane emissions : Application to the case of the Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California)

A better understanding of the processes resulting in geothermal and/or biogenic gas emissions at the seafloor is crucial in order to quantify gas evolution in the deep ocean and better assess its contribution to global warming.

Earth and Environmental Science Earth Sciences and Environmental Technologies Rueil-Malmaison
Published on 2024-01-04

Dynamics of organic and inorganic carbon in carbonate soils

The Rock-Eval® (RE) thermal analysis was developed at IFPEN during the 1970’s as a standard benchmark tool in oil exploration, and became more and more frequently used during the last 20 years in soil science in order to characterize soil organic matter and its thermal stability.

Earth and Environmental Science Earth Sciences and Environmental Technologies Rueil-Malmaison
Published on 2024-01-04

Groundwater and landscape erosion due to climate change

As our climate is changing the impact of water, or the lack of it, on how we develop and use the landscape is becoming increasingly uncertain. Mountain belts can be thought of as water towers, securing steady flow of irrigation, drinking and industrial water to adjacent population centres.

Earth and Environmental Science Earth Sciences and Environmental Technologies Rueil-Malmaison
Published on 2024-01-04

Sedimentological, mineralogical and diagenetic controls of particle transport in the Albian sands aquifer of the Paris Basin

The Albien aquifer constitutes a deep reservoir located under the chalk of the Parisian basin composed of unconsolidated clay-sandstone deposits and is considered as a strategic resource for Ile de France in the event of long-term unavailability of classic resources.

Earth and Environmental Science Earth Sciences and Environmental Technologies Rueil-Malmaison
Published on 2024-01-04

Hydrogeology modeling of karstic aquifers associated to sub-marine springs while integrating recharge changes

Water resources management is a major societal issue highlighted by the current climate change. Karst aquifers represent significant freshwater reserves in different regions of the world, but their exploitation is complicated by their complex behaviour.

Earth and Environmental Science Earth Sciences and Environmental Technologies Rueil-Malmaison
Published on 2024-01-04

Heat and fluid-flow transfer modelling at basin scale in fractured reservoirs for geothermal energy: A case in the East African Rift

The earth’s system is a key provider of energy through its constant release of heat. In most continental areas of our planet, this heat is limited; the thermal gradient is about 30°C/km in most sedimentary basins, and even lower in cratonic areas.

Earth and Environmental Science Earth Sciences and Environmental Technologies Rueil-Malmaison